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Welcome to 461 Fellowship Church online ministries. Below are the various ministries 461FC has a heart for and currently involved in. To learn more about how we reach families, individuals and use our online church to minister, click/tap the button provided under each description. New life begins at 461 Fellowship Church online.

461 Kids

461 Kids is very special to 461 Fellowship Church  because we have a desire to equip children with the knowledge of God. Also we seek to prepare them for their future.  At 461 Fellowship Church we want children to believe and know who Jesus is, plant seeds of hope in knowing that with God all things are possible and make our kids young disciples for Jesus.

Kids Playing Tug of War

461 Students

Junior high and high school students face challenges and temptations unlike any other age group. They are very impressionable and need guidance on how to make the right decisions. At 461 Fellowship Church we work at building and installing moral character based on biblical principles.

Students Going Upstairs

461 Women

461 Women's Ministry is a very ministry at 461 Fellowship Church. As with other ministries at 461FC, we seek to prepare Gods special gift of women to become all God intends them to be. Our women's ministry is poised to impact women to prepare them for their calling, how to live a successful life as a godly woman and more. .

womens bible study.jpg

461 Men

If there was ever a time we need men to step up and be all God has called them to be, now is the time. 461FC's men ministry, is designed to disciple and connect men with God through Bible study, fellowship, and address the issues men face today. Equipping men to become string leaders, is our goal at 461FC. 



At 461 FellowshipChurch we value our seniors. Often, the older generation and those who were instrumental in building the church feel forgotten. We value our seniors and provide programs that encourage and benefit seniors in their twilight years. To learn more, click, or tap the button below.

Senior Couple


It is a proven fact that churches with a strong evangelistic program, is a growing church. 461FC has partnered with Onelifein12 and the IPHC to train and equip the church, its leaders and members on the mechanics of evangelism. A special program for teens/students has been designed through the Onelifein12 program also.


for Adults and Students

An alarming percentage of professing Christians have never led and do not know how to lead the lost to Christ. Onelifein12 is a comprehensive training program to teach the body of Christ how to share the Gospel and lead the lost to Christ. In these last days we are charged GO and make disciples for Christ. 



A key reason why the church in America has not and is not seeing real sustained spiritual growth is that the church has failed to properly equip and train the body of Christ to become disciples. Equipping is at the core of 461FC's mission. For more information, click, or tap the Learn More button below. 

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