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Sermons from Pastor Phil

Below are sermons by Pastor Phil Collins. Sermons are in PDF format. Sermons are designed for study and life application, or whatever the need may be in your life. The sermons are meant to encourage, challenge, help with spiritual growth, comfort in times of trial, and more.


Click here to learn more about pastor Phil Collins

Coming Soon - new audio and video sermons from Pastor Phil

Sermons for study and reflection from Pastor Phil

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In this message Pastor Phil provides a powerful word on what it means to rebuild. Sometimes we have to rebuild personally, relationally and in other areas of our life. Are you open to rebuilding if necessary and in order to grow and move forward?

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In this sermon, Pastor Phil teaches us that sometimes in order to receive a breakthrough and experience victory, we have to go through a challenge and trial in order to get to the other side. No matter what we face, Christ will be with us, no matter what we have to go through.

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In this sermon, Pastor Phil shows us the POWER found in two simple words; "I Will". May we learn to say and believe, "I will trust in the name of the Lord, I will believe that God will do what He says He will do, I will be healed and so on.


Jesus made it very clear through the Sermon on the Mount, also known as the Beatitude, that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, after the things of God shall be filled. This encouraging message will change your life.

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In this challenging message, Phil takes a unique approach/look at the importance of making sure what we "Pour In" and open our minds and hearts too, are pleasing to God. But also, what happens when we pour in the wrong things.

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In this challenging message, Phil takes a unique approach/look at the importance of making sure what we "Pour In" and open our minds and hearts too, are pleasing to God. But also, what happens when we pour in the wrong things.

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In this sermon regarding four men who went to radical extremes to position their friend in front of Jesus, Pastor Phil explains what Jesus saw and how He prioritized the needs of a man needing more than just one miracle. Today is your day of miracles

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